Guide users to the correct answer to their question
By adding AI to the equation we can have intelligent search
By staying in context you can remain focused
365-QA is available for free or in a subscription model
Providing the correct information at the correct time mimizes the need to disturb others
By pre-approving knowledge bases you can be certain the information returned is validated
People have questions. They always have and they always will. The important thing is how you handle those questions. By searching answers you learn but you also spend precious time and that is what 365-QA is all about.
Get the free version now for Microsoft Teams365-QA is a free app available to you in Microsoft Teams. But the power lies in mulitple data sources where 365-QA can get information. 365-QA Connected is the next step in the process. It can search a variety of data sources like SharePoint, Service Now, public websites, and much more…
Check it out365-QA is available where you spend the most time of your work day. You don’t need to leave Microsoft Teams and you can keep context while 365-QA gets that vital piece of information for you. Wheiter it’s a helpdesk related question or you need to know how a specific business procedure works. Let 365-QA get the information while you can keep working.
Check it out